The Political Empowerment of Moroccan Women

Toward Building a Gender-Inclusive Model



This scientific paper aims to question a set of hypotheses framed within the gender habitus of the problem of political empowerment of Moroccan women. It considers it as a cognitive structure that organizes elements of interaction within social and psychological frameworks, which may contribute to the crystallization of continuous preparations capable of outlining the features of a gender-inclusive political guidance model. It also explores possible avenues to revitalize women's participatory meaning within democratic spaces inspired by legal, rights-based, and cultural challenges.

In this context, we will attempt to trace the trajectories of the Moroccan experience revolving around the integration of women into political life, according to the requirements of empowerment, the principles of equality, and the fight against all forms of discrimination, taking into account the digital imperative and its impacts on the public sphere, and the potential for investment in building an institutional cultural system of technological gendering.


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Author Biographies

  • Prof. Ali Boulaalam, Moulay Ismail University in Meknes / Ahumi University

    Ali Boulaalam is an Associate Professor of Arabic Linguistics at Moulay Ismail University in Meknes, He holds a PhD in Computational Linguistics, He participated in several international and National academic events. He also supervised the management of the Regional Observatory for Territorial Intelligence and Development Modelling. Ali Boulaalam is interested in a number of fields related to computational Linguistics such as Linguistic engineering, technology of education, in addition to Machine translation. He is a member in the International Agency for natural Languages Engineering.

  • Prof. Nisrine El Hannach, Mohamed 1st University, Oujda, Morocco / Ahumi University

    Prof. Nisrine El Hannach is an Assistant Professor of English Linguistics. She is a Moroccan Professor and Researcher. She is the president’s counselor of international relations and correspondence of Ahumi University, she is also the director of conferences, seminars, and training center at the same university, and the Secretary of the Editorial Board of SRJ Journal. She is also in charge of an educational institute in charge of empowering nonspeaking Arabic communities and helping them learn Arabic using creative approaches, she has also been involved in developing and designing a platform for online Arabic language assessment e-lang. Throughout her career as a professor, she has been teaching a number of subjects related to FLT and ESP in a number of private and public institutions. Along with her interest in linguistics, education, and communication Nisrine El Hannach is interested in Gender issues in relation to communication and migration. 




How to Cite

Boulaalam, Ali, and Nisrine El Hannach. “The Political Empowerment of Moroccan Women: Toward Building a Gender-Inclusive Model”. Scientific Research Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, May 2024, p. 28,